
 FROM 1987 TO 1995

 Total number of renal biopsies collected

– Number of renal diseases divided into 5 groups

– Annual frequency of renal diseases divided into 5 groups 

– Number and frequency of nephropathies, diagnosed byrenal biopsy in native kidney, during 9 years of activity (1987-1995) 

Frequency of the most common biopsy proven renal diseases (# 20074)

– Annual frequency of Primary Glomerulonephritis (GN) 

– Annual frequency of Secondary Glomerulonephritis (GN) 

– Annual frequency of Immuno-mediated Glomerulonephritis (GN) 

– Annual frequency of Dysgammaglobulinaemia or Paraproteinaemia associated Nephropathies 

– Annual frequency of Tubulointerstitial Nephropathies 

– Annual frequency of Vascular Diseases associated Nephropathies 

– Miscellaneous: annual frequency 

 Frequency of different forms of Nephropathies in patients with Nephrotic Syndrome

 Frequency of different forms of Nephropathies in patients with Acute Nephritic Syndrome

 Frequency of different forms of Nephropathies in patients with Persistent Urinary Abnormalities

 Frequency of different forms of Nephropathies in patients with Recurrent episodes of Macrohematuria

 Frequency of different forms of Nephropathies in patients with Acute Renal Failure

 Frequency of different forms of Nephropathies in patients with Chronic Renal Failure

* FROM 1996 TO 2000
– Number and percentage of renal diseases divided into 6 groups

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